Sunday 2:15 - 3:05 PM
Teaching writing in a Communicative Atmosphere
Tom Pierce
Sookmyung Women's University, Korea
To present the ideas related to writing it is necessary to consider
a specific learning context or group of students. I've chosen my current
group of students for that context (university students and graduate students
in a TESOL certificate program at a Korean University). By establishing
the context I can first look at the specifies of what my students do when
writing and then attempt to generalize, to some extent, about what is good
practice in writing and in teaching writing. For example, it seems to be
important for-my students to feel that they have a clear purpose in writing,
and that they are actually creating whole pieces of communication. This
is something that tends to be true of all students of writing; they want
to feel that they are communicating and not just writing for the teacher.
Using a process approach to writing, I will discuss ways in which teachers
can teach writing in a communicative atmosphere which stresses interaction
from student to teacher and student to student. Especially, I will focus
on giving clear, practical suggestions for activities which focus on one
or more parts of the composing process.